Snippets” is a project brought to us by Core Creations. Waterford Cultural Quarter is delighted to fund this initiative.

This project invites community engagement and collaboration to create multidisciplinary artworks that the entire community can be part of and enjoy. ‘Snippets’ is a collection of stories and histories of its inhabitants, collected over a weekend and developed to produce visual art in the form of textile and environmental sculpture and sound art installation.

The project will have two phases; the first of which took take place on the weekend of Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th January down in the Cultural Quarter.  A recording booth in the form of a portable phone box was installed on Hanover Street.

Phase two involved a collaboration with artist Anne McDonnell who created visual representations of the audio stores on pieces of fabric.

This project aimed to create a collaborative experiential body of work that is inclusive, open and multi-disciplinary. It also aims to display visual and audio works demonstrating the cultural diversity within the Cultural Quarter.

This initiative was funded by Waterford Cultural Quarter as part of its Open Call Pilot Scheme for creative / artistic works that reflect the vision and guiding principles of the WCQ was was launched in November 2018. In order to support the vision of the Waterford Cultural Quarter Plan, applications were sought for creative / artistic projects and initiatives which would take place during late 2018/early 2019.

Further WCQ Open Call schemes will be rolled out in 2019 so keep an eye on the WCQ Facebook Page for updates.


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